Reliable and Scalable Capacity
Lots of in-house linguists, our own production facilities and equipment plus 24/7 live project management.

Globally-recognized Quality
One of the first in SE Asia to pass certification for ISO 17100, the gold standard for translation services.
7,640+ isles, 180+ languages, 1 Trusted Team since 2001
From the world’s foremost search engine to humankind's first-ever coronavirus vaccine, Touchbase has always been there as the service provider of choice for Philippine languages including Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilokano and Hiligaynon.
Whether it's grassroots market research, multi-locale transcreation campaigns, or quick-turnaround all-year-round localization tasks, there's no better reward than to see our work being deployed on the ground, enriching the lives of our end-readers in the Philippines and all over the world.
Through decades of economic crises, natural calamities and industry shakeups, we will continue to deliver our "Consider It Done" hallmark of service through those innate Filipino traits of resilience and reinvention.
Truly local: 100% Filipino-owned company based in Manila, Philippines
Consistent: Full-time professional linguists working together for years
Up-to-date: The latest technologies, tools, training and techniques
Peace of mind: ISO17100-certified outputs and time-tested workflows